Texan By Nature honors Oaks and Prairies Joint Venture with Conservation Wrangler designation

Texan by Nature, supported by NWTF, selected the Oaks and Prairies Joint Venture (OPJV) as a Conservation Wrangler and is working with OPJV to foster the Grassland Restoration Incentive Program (GRIP) to act as a model of landowner engagement that brings grassland conservation to the forefront of thought. Texan by Nature is assisting with marketing and outreach, exploring new funding avenues and business partnership opportunities, and increasing communication capacity to wider audiences.

To stem the ongoing decline of quail and other birds, it is estimated that about 3 million acres of grasslands across the OPJV in Texas and Oklahoma are in need of restoration. OPJV - along with all of its many partners - hopes to one day have helped landowners restore and manage all of them. Currently, over 80,000 acres of native grasslands and prairies of the Texas plains have been restored through GRIP. The working lands within this landscape can be very productive for livestock and birds when properly managed. GRIP endeavors to ensure that there is enough habitat for our wildlife species.

For more information, visit www.opjv.org.

Paul Korthuis