Chester Moore receives ten TOWA awards for writing, photography, radio and video.

Chester Moore, Co-founder at Kingdom Zoo: Wildlife Center , Editor-in-chief at Texas Fish & Game Magazine , Founder and Managing Director at Higher Calling Wildlife - and a great friend of NWTF in Texas - receives awards for writing, photography, radio and video at the Texas Outdoors Writers Association banquet at the Museum of the Gulf Coast in Port Arthur.

Moore received 10 total awards and five first place honors including the following:

  • Best Outdoors Magazine (Texas Fish & Game)-1st

  • Best Outdoors Website (

  • Best Outdoors Feature (Great Whites In TX Waters/July 2020 Issue Texas Fish & Game)-1st

  • Best Outdoors News Coverage (Higher Calling Wildlife)

  • Best Outdoors Video (Kid’s Animated Video “Bingo The Christmas Dingo”)

Moore was also honored in radio, publications and photography categories.

"It's an honor to be recognized by such a prestigious organization and amongst our peers. TOWA is full of many great writers, photographers, broadcasters and publishers so we don't take this lightly and hope we can use this to inspire us at Texas Fish & Game to dig even deeper into our creativity to bring unique content moving forward in 2021," Moore said.

The Texas Fish & Game issue that won for best outdoors magazine was the issue that concluded the 2020 Turkey Revolution series of articles.

“It was great to have something win that had this important turkey content we have been providing. We are committed to turkey hunting and turkey conservation and when I founded Turkey Revolution to raise awareness of the link between turkeys and forest health, I had no preconceived ideas of this incredible journey that it has become,” Moore said.

The conference was hosted by the Port Arthur TX Visitors Bureau and the banquet took place at the Museum of the Gulf Coast.

"It was a great setting for a banquet. Our friends at Port Arthur TX Visitors Bureau rolled out the red carpet and highlighted a wonderful area of the Gulf Coast on the shores of Sabine Lake," Moore said.

Thanks to this great organization for providing this platform for journalism and camaraderie.

Chester also got to give two special kids, Sophia and Elena Bennett, a couple of our Jaguar Revival packages. Chester believes it's important to reach out to kids not just because "they are our future" but because they are people-and ones that we often look over.

We're hoping through this project and others we can show kids they can be agents of positive change for wildlife-in this case jaguars, by using their art skills.

Follow Chester’s writings at and his “Higher Calling Wildlife” podcast at

Find out more by visiting Chester Facebook page,

Chester with Sophia and Elena Bennett and their Jaguar Revival packages.

Paul Korthuis