Chester Moore receives Press Club awards for writing, photography, radio and video.

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NWTF Member Wins For Wild Turkey, Wild Sheep Media Work

National Wild Turkey Federation member and wildlife journalist Chester Moore was honored by the Press Club of Southeast Texas for journalistic work on wild turkeys and wild sheep conservation at their Excellence In Media Awards.

His article “Conservation In Action: Angelina County Eastern Turkey Release” took first place for environmental writing.

Moore has photographed and written on the Eastern turkey releases at that site since they began in early 2021.

“It’s such an honor to be recognized for that story as what I have seen Texas Parks & Wildlife, NWTF and the Middle Neches Eastern Turkey Cooperative do in Angelina County has been amazing. It’s true environmental stewardship,” Moore said.

His “Wild Sheep Pandemic” public service announcement took first place in the Public Service Announcement category and was written, narrated and edited by Moore to raise awareness to the issue of pathogen/disease transmission between domestic and wild sheep.

His radio program “Moore Outdoors” on Newstalk AM 560 KLVI,  took first place for radio talk show for an episode he did on Texas’ desert bighorns with Froylan Hernandez, Texas Parks & Wildlife Department Desert Bighorn Sheep Program leader.

He also took first place in travel writing for an article in Hunter’s Horn from the Houston Safari Club Foundation and podcast episode category for his Higher Calling Wildlife show.

You can follow moore on Instagram @thechestermoore and at his blog at

Paul Korthuis