NWTF Texas Chapters Earn National Partnership Award at NWTF Convention and Sport Show

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Partnership Achievement Awards were presented to local and state NWTF chapters that collaborated with individuals, companies, agencies or nongovernmental organizations to host hunting heritage events, including JAKES, Wheelin’ Sportsmen or Women in the Outdoors events.

Texas Chapters - Kaufman Co. Double Beards, Cross Timbers and Cottonwood Creek Chapters

This was the fourth year the local NWTF chapters have been able to host a hunt for physically disabled children between the ages of 13-18. The hunt is held on a 2,400-acre area managed by the Army Corp of Engineers, which is only open to for hunts like this. With two morning hunts and two evening hunts, participants are allowed plenty of chances to see and harvest deer, and the hunt has become a heartwarming and life-changing event.

Partners included the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Hunt for Cure and Army Corp of Engineers.

“The Partnership Award means a great deal to me and our chapter because it shows that we had a successful event,” said Chris Womack, NWTF Kaufman County Chapter president and NWTF State Chapter Communications Director. “Being able to combine three local chapters means more volunteers to help, on the ground, with the event. ‘It takes a village’ is a true statement. Then, working with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Dept. for deer survey numbers and MLD permits as well as Game Wardens helping during the event. We could not hold the event without the Army Corps of Engineers allowing us to hunt on their property. They also had staff members that helped with area of the event. Of course, we also needed disabled youth to come out and hunt. We made another great partnership with a non-profit group, Texas Hunt for the Cure, to locate kids to participate. Besides the wonderful partnerships over these past several years, the most rewarding thing is the impact this hunt makes to the kids and their families.”

Paul Korthuis